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Flury Systems AG Woodworking tools

FLURY SYSTEMS AG specialises in manufacturing profile knives in diverse cutting materials and development of precision woodworking tools, e.g. planing tools,tools with indexable inserts and CNC tools. FLURY SYSTEMS AG provides a wide choice of profile knives and a most diverse market-oriented range of precision woodworking tools for wood and plastics industry.

As an international provider FLURY SYSTEMS AG operates close to the market and is represented by major industrial consumers all over Europe and overseas. The important components of our corporate success are solid support and close co-operation with our customers based on partnership.


Swiss Quality of Woodworking!

If it’s a question of quality in professional woodworking, imperfections are unacceptable. As a skilled and innovative provider of precision tools for woodworking and plastics processing we are aware of the needs of woodworking craft and industry. Precise cut, clear surface, durable tools - these features are essential.

Our special subjects are production of profile knives in different cutting materials as well as development of precision tools for woodworking, for example tools with indexable inserts, planing tools and CNC tools.

In close co-operation with prestigious retailers from many countries we provide innovative custom-tailored solutions for demanding wood and plastics specialists.